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Helpful Resources On The Climate Crisis

The topic of the Climate Crisis can seem overwhelming at the best of times & there is so much to learn about it can be a struggle to even know where to begin. But knowledge is power & it is vitally important to educate ourselves on this topic so that we have the best chance of changing the system & rebuilding a better world. So here is a list of many of the resources I have found helpful in educating myself on climate injustice so far & the ways in which we as individuals can personally make changes as well as how to effectively put pressure on governments & large corporations to do better. This is by no way an exhaustive list so please continue to do your own research beyond this post, these are just a good place to start.

Loosing Eden: Why Our Minds Need The Wild - Lucy Jones (Book) -

A beautifully crafted book that highlights the importance of our connection with nature, it's incredible healing properties, how vital it is to our mental, physical, emotional & spiritual well-being & how our entire view of "us" & 'nature" being two separate things will ultimately be our downfall if we don't change that mindset swiftly.

A powerful documentary following Greta as she embarks on her climate activism journey. It is a difficult watch at times due to the immense pressure & weight you can see on this one girl's shoulders. However, I am in no doubt that it will also leave you feeling motivated to go out & take action yourself, after all true change will only come if we all work together.

A Perfect Planet with David Attenborough - BBC One (Documentary) -

A brilliant nature documentary series highlighting how our home planet is perfectly designed to work in harmony with itself & that we as homo sapiens are the ones causing the imbalances we are currently contending with.

Our Planet with David Attenborough - Netflix (Documentary) -

Another incredible series educating us on the wonders of our natural world whilst also reminding us that we are not separate from it but rather intrinsically linked & that it is still within our power to make positive changes for our planet if we act now.

Blue Planet One & Two with David Attenborough - BBC One (Documentary) -

Several years old now but unfortunately still relevant. Blue Planet focuses on all aspects of our oceans, educating us on the incredible systems & creatures within them but also the horrendous damage our over fishing & plastic pollution is causing & how this just simply isn't sustainable.

Extinction Rebellion (XR) - (Activists/ Website) -

If, like me you've been wondering how the hell you can actually make a difference & take action in the fight against climate change then XR might just be the movement for you. A fast growing, global group of activists that use non-violent, civil disobedience to disrupt the broken systems of our societies to gain (primarily) government, (but also) large corporation & public attention, raising awareness of the inaction & destruction that runs rife through our world. An incredible movement to be a part of with a wealth of information, training & support found on a local & international level. It is also worth pointing out, you do NOT need to get arrested to be an active member of XR, there are hundreds of roles you can play in their activism movement that can also make a difference so don't let that common misconception put you off.

The Future We Choose: Surviving The Climate Crisis - Christiana Figueres & Tom Rivett-Carnac (Book) -

& Global Optimism (Website) -

A fascinating book & educational website that gives you actionable steps on how you can make a difference in the fight against climate injustice starting on a personal level & working your way up. A book & a movement that gives you hope & help to keep moving forward with "suborn optimism" even when it all seems hopeless.

Greenpeace (Charitable Organisation) -

No doubt you will have heard of this one. An independent, charitable organisation working tirelessly to stop all the major threats to our eco-system. Lots of useful information to be found on their website.

World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) (Charitable Organisation) -

Much like Greenpeace, WWF is a charitable organisation funded by donations from the general public. Their main focus is on wildlife. Again a wealth of information available on their website.

Friends of The Earth (Charitable Organisation) -

A non-profit campaign group that has been in action since the 1970s, campaigning against large corporations & acting via non-violent protests.

A Feast to Save the Planet (TV Programme) - BBC Horizon

Food for thought. An interesting programme where celebrities order items from a dinner party menu & then learn of the environmental impact their choices are having on our eco-system in the form of carbon emissions.

Brave Blue World - Netflix (Documentary) -

A documentary highlighting the distressing fact that water poverty is still rife in many countries across the world but showcases innovators, inventors & entrepreneurs who are harnessing the power of green-technology & recycling water for a better future for themselves & the planet. A message of hope & motivation runs throughout.

This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to useful resources for education on the climate crisis & I have plans to delve far deeper into this topic so keep your eyes & ears peeled for more resources in the future. As always, I encourage you do to your own research & if you have any further resources that you feel other's would benefit from around this topic please leave links in the comments & share the knowledge and power.


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Have a blessed day ♡

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