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12 Simple Low-Waste Swaps You Can Do Today

I could easily have made this post with 50+ simple low-waste swaps but in the name of keeping things simple & so as not to overwhelm you, here are 12 simple, low-waste swaps you can easily implement into your day to day life today. More will definitely be coming in the future so keep your eyes peeled for those too!

1. Mend items that are broken - We currently live in a huge throw-away culture, where shops are full of cheap products that aren't made to last & we are encouraged to simply chuck something away & buy another one without even trying fix it first. Next time you get a hole in your favourite jumper or the strap of your bag breaks, try patching it up first & if a full fix is not possible, try to dispose of your item as responsibly as possible (especially if it is an electrical item) don't just chuck it in the general waste bin!

2. Swap items with friends or family - This is a great one if your wardrobe is in need of a freshen up or you've read all the books on your shelves but don't want to buy any more. Not only does this save you money but it's super fun too!

3. DIY - Skincare, cleaning products, plant milks, you name it there will be a tutorial for it online & often these are so much easier & cheaper to make than you'd first think. It's also a great form of self-development as the more you practise the more knowledgeable you become & eventually these become super handy life-skills that can save you pennies & help save the planet!

4. Reusing/ repurposing old glass jars - Rather than going out & spending pointless pounds on overly priced mason jars why not repurpose jars from things like condiments & old candles? I turn mine into vases, pencil pots, food storage containers or even water glasses. The possibilities are endless!

5. Stop buying into fast fashion - The fast fashion industry not only adds a disgusting amount into the overall global emissions contributing to global warming but it also drastically underpays & over works it's garment markers who often work in unsafe & unsanitary conditions. Not only this but the products they produce are of poor quality, made of synthetic materials which means you just have to keep buying more & more whilst also sending thousands of micro plastics into the water system every time you wash them.

6. Buy second hand - This doesn't just have to be second hand clothing & nik-naks from charity shops (although those are great options) why not try buying furniture on facebook market place or gumtree? You may even be able to pick something up for free! Depop & Vinted are also great apps for buying & selling second hand clothes & accessories.

7. Bees wax/ vegan (soy) wax wraps & silicone food covers - Bees wax wraps & their vegan soy counterparts have been gaining popularity in recent years & for good reason. Their use means we can say goodbye to tin foil & cling-film in our kitchens for good. Another great option, which I personally use are silicone food covers that you simply stretch over your bowl or plate to keep it airtight. They're also super easy to wash & last for years.

8. Reusable water bottles & coffee - We all know this one by now but I had to include it! Approximately 16 billion disposable coffee cups are still thrown away every year, so if you're someone who likes to grab a hot beverage on the way to work in the morning, making this simple swap could help make a huge difference, we just need enough of us doing it!

9. Reusable razors - Although the initial pay-out is more expensive than buying a disposable one, investing in a reusable razor is an absolute gamer changer. With stylish looking options such as stainless steel & bamboo not only do these look great in your bathroom but they are generally easy to clean, safe to use & the only thing you'll need to re-purchase are the blades which are really affordable & more eco-friendly when disposed of than their plastic counterparts. Just make sure you depose of the old blades safely & hygienically.

10. Switch to reusable sanitary products - Menstrual cups, reusable sanitary pads, period underwear & organic tampons are all amazing options to consider if you are someone that bleeds monthly. We are often told menstrual cups are the only sustainable swap when it comes to period products & although they are one of the most popular options they aren't suitable for everyone. Period pants that are simply rinsed clear before being added to your regular wash are a great example of an alternative option. I highly recommend trying out a few different swaps if your initial one didn't feel right as there are many to choose from & it's super important you find something that is comfortable for you.

11. Reusable tote & produce bags & taking your Tupperware to the meat/ fish counter - Reusable tote/ shopping bags are nothing new, but I thought I'd include them as a gentle reminder (just in-case). Reusable produce bags are also a low-waste must have, saving on the use of those plastic/ paper bags that you often find next to the veggies in supermarkets. If you are someone who eats animal protein & you get your items from the meat/ fish counter, why not take your own Tupperware container from home rather than the staff wrapping your food up in a plastic bag. Just remember to wash your container thoroughly first.

12. Use the entire plant/ cut of meat - Having a completely plant-based diet is undoubtedly one of the easiest & best things you can do to aid the fight against global warming, however this option isn't available to everyone for numerous reasons, such as medical/ health related issues. So whether you are eating just plants or incorporating animal products too, one thing we can all do is ensure we are using the entire product we are consuming. Even though food is biodegradable, if it goes into landfill it struggles to breakdown as there is so much of it pilled up & then it actually contributes to the CO2 emissions we're so desperately trying to avoid. Broccoli stems? Don't chuck them away, firstly they are totally delicious & nutritious & if you don't like the idea of having them chopped up into your dish you could always pop them in a blender with a few other ingredients to make home-made pesto. Having roast chicken for dinner? Any left overs make into a sandwich or salad the next day to avoid waste, give to your dog or why not try making a nourishing bone broth from the carcass?

These are just a tiny portion of the simple yet highly beneficial swaps you can start making to help the fight against climate change & pollution. Don't try to do it all at once as that can be overwhelming & potentially set you up to fail at doing any of them properly at all. Just implement one step at a time until it becomes natural to you, this should be a fun & rewarding process, not stressful so take your time & enjoy the journey to a more sustainable way of life. Leave your favourite low-waste swaps & tips in the comments & spread the eco-love!



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